Blooming Onion Bread

Blooming Onion Bread is warm, with a slightly crunchy crust and an oniony, gooey center. As an added bonus, it is really fun to serve this family style in the middle of the table and let everyone pull off hunks of bread.

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Pizza Crisps

These Pizza Crisps simple snack that anyone will love and they are much healthier than the processed frozen pizza snacks.

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Cookie Dough Bites

I decided to make Cookie Dough Bites without eggs that are perfect for eating. I dare you to eat one of these Cookie Dough Bites and have a bad day. It is impossible!

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Smoked Sausage and Penne Casserole

This Smoked Sausage and Penne Casserole has some similarities to Green Bean Casserole, but it is much heartier. I used whole grain penne and skim milk to lighten the recipe up a bit. It was really good. The texture was great, creamy and cheesy without being too gooey. The sausage added the perfect punch of flavor.

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Banana Pancakes

This Banana Pancakes recipe is perfect for the whole family. As an added bonus, the aroma of ripe banana and vanilla make the whole house smell like banana pudding. Who wouldn’t want that?

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