Roasted Root Vegetable Salad

All it takes is a Google or Pinterest search, and you’ll quickly glean that most roasted root vegetable salads are heavy on the hearty. Loaded with the earthiest from the root family, these salads seem more like a side dish than a salad. That’s where this salad comes in. Recently, my husband was sick, and […]

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Skillet Glazed Turnips

The humble turnip. It doesn’t get the respect it deserves. During winter it thrives, and we should embrace them in the prime of their season. To be honest, I don’t think I ever ate a turnip when I was a child. I don’t even know if I ever saw a turnip before I hit my […]

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Oven-Roasted Cabbage Wedges

I love simplicity. I believe food in its simplest form doesn’t need much to coax out its deliciousness. I’ve often posted here on “Taste Arkansas” about how grilling fruits to bring out tasty nuances or how just a few perfect additions of spices bring out the BAM! in a dish. Cabbage is like that. It’s […]

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Sweet Potato and Blue Cheese “Coins”

Once I discovered sweet potatoes were so much more than a side dish loaded with butter, sugar, pecans and marshmallow cream, they became one of my go-to pantry staples. They show up on the dinner table roasted, grilled, mashed and tucked in whenever and wherever possible. Sweet potatoes are fantastic as a year-round staple yet […]

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Easy Baked Apple Chips

There’s something special about the aroma of baked apples in the autumn, even though they are a delight any season of the year. We are in full-blown apple season here in Arkansas, and Northwest Arkansas is the birthplace of the famous Arkansas Black Apple. Yes, born in Benton County, the Arkansas Black has a gorgeous […]

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Confessions of a Smoothie Skeptic

Have you ever had a moment of realization when it hit you that you were wrong? Dead wrong? I’m coming clean to tell you I was dead wrong about smoothies. Whenever I heard the word “smoothie” or someone mentioning “I had a smoothie today,” I thought it was cover for something akin to a having […]

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