Last-Second Side Ideas: Bacon & Skillet-Fried Brussels Sprouts

BACON & SKILLET-FRIED BRUSSELS SPROUTS by Gregg Patterson We already know that every kid hates Brussels sprouts. I was no different. So let’s call it an acquired taste, like asparagus or better yet, beer. All I know is I love bacon and skillet-fried Brussels sprouts. Here’s my version of this colorful and tasty side dish […]

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Throwback Thursday {Cast Iron Cooking}

Is your trusty, old, faithful cast iron skillet feeling neglected and sitting on the shelf? Put it back on the job with these amazing recipes. Cast-Iron Skillet Peach and Blueberry Cobbler   Multitasking Recipe: Skillet Home Fries   Strawberry Skillet Crisp   No Pie Pan? Use an Iron Skillet!   And don’t forget to season […]

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