What is Community Supported Agriculture?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. CSAs are one way for you to support the farmers in your community by buying seasonal produce directly from the farmer. Often it’s more affordable for the consumer and more profitable for the farmer because you’re cutting out expenses such as store costs and packaging. CSA is basically a […]

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Faces of Agriculture: Jason Brown

Jason Brown is a public relations and digital media specialist for The Communications Group. Often, when thinking about agriculture, the image of a field or a farmer comes to mind. An office in downtown Little Rock isn’t a setting typically associated with the agriculture industry. Public relations, communications and marketing are vital to every industry, even agriculture. Jason sat down to answer a few questions about how he is involved with getting food from the farm to your table.

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Faces of Agriculture: Jim Carroll

Jim Carroll is an Arkansas farmer in Monroe County, member of the United Soybean Board and Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board, and Monroe County Farm Bureau Board Member. Mr. Carroll was a speaker at the Bean2Blog event I blogged about here. He was an inspiration to listen to and I thought he would be perfect to profile for the Faces of Agriculture series. I caught up with him after the event for a quick interview.

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