It always puzzles me when a recipe calls for the “juice of one lemon,” because it seems like some lemons have more juice than others. But here are a few ways to get more juice from your lemons (and limes).
Lemons juice better at room temperature. Besides, cold lemons are harder to squeeze.
Roll your lemon back and forth on the cutting board with a little pressure before cutting it open.
Use a lemon reamer. This simple tool seems to get the most juice from a lemon for me. I juice a lot of lemons every week, so this might be the most well used item in my kitchen – especially in summer when it’s time for homemade lemonade and margaritas.
Alison Chino is an Arkansan who is writing about travel and food from Scotland these days. It’s hard to find a good margarita in Scotland, so she makes them at home in her kitchen.